Animal Revolution
Animals are staging a revolution; they’re just not telling us. And why should they, it is theirs. As field marshal, the author Ron Broglio has been in the field and gleaned evidence presented here. From radioactive boar invading towns to jellyfish disarming battleships, the creative nonfiction incidents accumulate to reveal how fur and claw and feather and fin are jamming the gears of our social machine. Animal Revolution @ University of Minnesota Press

Animals of the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!
Animal Revolution excerpted introduction & manifesto
I have tried handing animals weapons, tools for their revolution. Lord knows they need a revolution and have suffered enough abuse from the hand of man. With bare look and still, corporeal thickness, these animals make no motion towards arming themselves. What do I know about their revolution? Perhaps they already come armed.

The Creatures That Remember Chernobyl
Radioactive boars and bunnies won’t let us forget about the nuclear disaster.

Ruminations on the endangered humpback chub of the Grand Canyon because of the Glen Canyon Dam. (Part of Trout Fishing in America and other stories exhibition)

A compendium of revolutionary incidents revealing animals revolt.