Being Human: between animals and technology
Technology and animals often figure as the boundaries by which we define the human. This collection of essays contributors explore these categories as necessary supplements or as porous membranes which disturb the scaffolding of how the human is constructed. In Being Human, internationally know theorists take oblique approaches to expose fissures and gaps in categorical niceties including apophatic animality, critical media objects-to-think-with, biosemiotic insect resonances, the monstrous and horrific which dislodges our cultural animals, and the problem of thinking of animality as stupidity.

Take these essays’ experiments, productions, and queries as ways of thinking a “wealth of openness with which the human world may have nothing to compare.” Uexküll believed such experiments would lead to “worlds strange to us but know to other creatures, manifold and varied as the animals themselves.” The essays here expand what it means to be human in multiple ecologies.